Thursday 13 March 2008

Random stuff

Testing.........People my age are supposed to be computer literate but odds are this could end up anywhere.

Like most things to do with the Echo, three years after the original boom in interest, Loughborough's favourite news hotbed is getting its own set of blogs.

I deal with the sport for the Echo and its series of sister titles but to
my shame my participation in such sports has been miniscule at best since
leaving university. It's getting to the point where any family get together
can't pass without some comment on the rapidly expanding waistline of
someone who used to be likened to a stick insect. At 23 i'm embarrassed
myself at doing very little other than the odd five-a-side game now and

It's not that I care about losing weight, because to be honest I couldn't
give a monkeys about that. I feel a bit of a charlatan writing about sports
but not doing enough. That doesn't stop most journalists as far as I know
but never mind.

The problem is I don't want to commit to something without being fit and
then there's the problem of getting fit in the first place. I used to go to
the gym when I was about 15/16 but it's just so damn boring sitting there
doing weights. I swear half of the people go there just to pose anyway and
while I'm not interested in that, you can't help but feel a little insecure
when some brick house is lifting twice as much as your puny arms without
breaking sweat.

I also used to go early morning swimming but due to circumstances I can't
do that anymore and if you go at any other time you end up smashing into
annoying little kids all the while. Everytime I go swimming I always feel
like eating a greasy fry-up straight after anyway.

My Dad always says 'go for a run' but I just find that boring as well. If I
was going to get something at the end of the run, like a pint or something,
then I would. Given how bad my time-keeping was I actually miss the daily
run for the school bus I had to undertake every morning with my mate (or at
the very least look as if I was running to try and catch it). My Dad is
52, plays football three times a week, enjoys running and makes me look

I brought my girlfriend an exercise bike two Christmases ago thinking it
would be one expensive white elephant. She has proved me wrong however and
has rode for at least a half an hour every single night since. I've though
about trying to do that for months but just can't be bothered. Now I've
lowered that to trying 10 minutes a night but it still took me a while to
get on the (very comfortable) saddle and only then did I manage it for the
first time on Tuesday because I was that annoyed (writing something like
this and trying not to swear is difficult) with listening to Leicester
City's latest disgrace. I managed 20 minutes the night after but tomorrow

I'm playing five-a-side knowing I'll be embarrassed, hopefully enough to
spur me on to better fitness come summer.

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